Isaac's Cool Doodle Pad
A downloadable art program for Windows
A neat little program I made that allows you to fart around and make art within a measly 224-pixel square region. Most definitely one of my favoritest creations. Birthed from discovering how much I really like how the shaded pencil strokes look in this resolution, then rapidly sprang into yet another project that wouldn't leave me alone.
I'm pretty content with where it's at now, I have other projects I'd like to finish, though I'm positive there will be a sequel sometime in the future.
Knock yourself out, have a good time etc. etc. Don't tell Nintendo I'm giving you my drawing I made of Bowser when you download
Install instructions
Included in the .ZIP folder is a text file named 'Help' which is a copy of the information page you get when pressing F1 in-game
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